is so important in every person life that sometimes we consume everything
without asking. Even todays education has improved, the thought control is
still obvious. Governments teach what they want to teach, and students just
have no voice to discuss, and study what they have to study without blinking. With
the proper education students can rule their own world, but they have to know
how to managed it and be capable of controlling their own thoughts.
a society that continues to grow every day, authorities need to maintain them
as far as they can. How can they do that? By thought control. Teachers teach
students what they want them to know and not what they need to know. Education
system focus on a “student profile” and hope to create every student based on
that. However, that cannot been done because no student is like the others
students, so you can´t put all in the same bag. So, education shapes on you
depending on what suits them. They hope you think one way, so they are able to
have a submissive society that can be easily manipulated. Is easier for the government
to rule a country where everyone had the same education, and think the same,
without anyone causing trouble. What does school really teaches children? First
of all, that trust comes from authority. If you are not the teacher, you don´t deserve
the same respect. You are not able to
discuss or disagree with your teacher because you must sit down and listen.
Second, intelligence is the ability of remembering and repeating. You only
study what they gave you, not able to explore new materials, stuck in the same
education program. “Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state” This
statement is surprisingly truth, because when you are studying you will always
believe the textbooks, you fill your mind with that, without asking.
times changed. Nowadays education is not the same as it was in the past. Past
education was stricter in the sense of what to think or feel. You are now more
available to think for yourself and express your own ideas. “The value of
education is not learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think”
This quote is from Albert Einstein. Education is important, but it is more
important how you prepare yourself to study, how you shape yourself while you
acquire knowledge. Intelligence is not how much you know about a subject, is
how you are prepared to express yourself and be able to create your own
thoughts after everything you have studied. Education should not punish someone
for not knowing something because we are not all the same, we are not capable
of knowing everything. Modern educations gives students “problems to solve”
rather than solutions, so they are able to understand by themselves. Teachers
teach while they hear student’s proposals and recommendations, because
education is something that is done by two; the one that teaches and the
student. They both should learn from each other as to grow with an open mind.
a conclusion, education itself is crucial for people, but the approaching of “thought
control” is completely wrong. However, controlling student’s minds helps to
create a homogeneous society where everyone thinks the same. You study what the
teachers told you, and teachers gave you the homework from what the Minister of
Education told them. We are all victims of governments being afraid of people
that can express themselves. We should accept every knowledge that life give
us, educational or just life experiences, but always knowing you can agree or disagree.
Knowledge will help you to grow as a person, but what you think, what you like,
what you choose, is more important.
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